"Development of technologies for stroke rehabilitation assisting (DETECT)"
Researchers - Rubim Santos, Andreia S. P. Sousa, Augusta Silva, Cristina Melo, Cláudia Silva, Rita Pinheiro, Rui Macedo, Lino Figueiredo, Constantino Martins, Carlos Martins and Renato Nunes
Partners – ESTSP; IPP; School of Engineering of Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP); Santa Casa da Misericórdia (Centro de Reabilitação do Norte) and Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (IPCB)
Budget – 149,447.73€
Funding Agency – Portugal 2020
Duration – in evaluation stage
Gait recovery in patients with a history of stroke is the primary goal of rehabilitation. DETECT project aims to develop decision support tools for the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients based on a bilateral motor control dysfunction approach to gait recovery. The system will consist on a laboratory prototype that allows quantitative evaluation of key motor control components that reflect the dysfunction of each limb that constrains gait recovery. The Consortium in co-operation with the Castelo Branco’s Polytechnic Institute (IPCB), School of Engineering of Porto (ISEP) and the Centro de Reabilitação do Norte (CRN) is led by P. Porto, who has contributed to the implementation of this approach to stroke patients rehabilitation through scientific production, clinical experience and specialization in the production of biological signal sensors.