PhD Programme in Advanced Biotechnology - cooperation protocol between UVIGO and UDC
School of Health
This programmes is a partnership between the University of Vigo (UVIGO) and the University A Coruña (UDC) and tries to meet the growing demand of certified professionals working in this area. Biotechnology, as one of the fastest growing areas, has been the basis for the set-up of several small and medium-sized companies across the world, over the past few years. This growth has been very visible in Galicia and Portugal. Under the scope of the consortium created by UVIGO and UDC, the PhD in AB was initiated in Galicia in 2013/2014, of which UVIGO is the supervisor entity. P.PORTO established the Master programme in Biochemistry for Healthcare (MBH) in 2013, with a specialisation in Biotechnology, for the same reasons that led to the creation of the PhD in AB. As a result of joint efforts and relations, the researchers from the PhD in AB from UVIGO and those in the MBH-P.PORTO established a partnership in 2014 in the area of applied biotechnology for healthcare. This partnership was formalised in 2015 with the allocation of specific vacancies in the PhD in AB for P.PORTO, for the school year of 2015/2016.
The PhD in AB has a scientific, academic and cultural setting that promotes the development of skills in the advanced areas of Biotechnology.
This is a very extensive knowledge area, which uses biologic processes, bio-molecules, cells, cellular components and organisms to develop new technologies. The new tools and products developed by bio-technologists are very useful for research, healthcare, industry, environment, agriculture, etc.