Home > Under & Post-Graduate Degrees > Degree > LICENCIATURA SAÚDE AMBIENTAL (Degree in Environmental Health ) - Licenciatura

LICENCIATURA SAÚDE AMBIENTAL (Degree in Environmental Health ) - Licenciatura

The Degree in Environmental Health emanates qualified professionals that apply the fundamental principles of Environmental Health to the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and control of environmental ...

The Degree in Environmental Health emanates qualified professionals that apply the fundamental principles of Environmental Health to the diagnosis, evaluation, prevention and control of environmental factors that can affect the physical, psychological and social well-being of populations. These professionals identify and characterize health risk factors with origin in the surrounding environment (air, food, water, waste, soils, among others), prepare and develop actions with the purpose of preventing illnesses and promoting health, as well as activities of control and surveillance of systems, structures and actions that impact environment and health.  These interventions are performed in different settings: habitational, recreational, educational, industrial and services. 

The study program encompasses three major areas of knowledge: Public Health, Environment and Quality of Life, and Occupational Safety and Health.

The Degree in Environmental Health provides a Professional Certificate of Environmental Health Technician, issued by the Central Administration of the Health System (Law Decree No. 320/99, of 11 August); Access to the profession of Level VI Workplace Safety Technician (Law No. 42/2012, of 28 August), with a Professional Title issued by the Authority for Working Conditions.


Accredited for: 6 year(s) in

Consult reports https://www.a3es.pt/pt/resultados-acreditacao/saude-ambiental-1

853 Public health services
Number: R/A-Ef-811/2011/AL01
No. dispatch/concierge: 8903/2017
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Essentials & Applications of Environmental Health 1st Semester 15.0
Environmental and Occupational Surveillance 1st Semester 15.0
Sustainability and Safety in Buildings 2st Semester 15.0
Surveillance and Health Monitoring 2st Semester 15.0
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Environmental Monitoring and Technology 1st Semester 15.0
Food Quality and Safety 1st Semester 15.0
Work Study and Ergonomics 2st Semester 15.0
Occupational Safety and Health 2st Semester 15.0
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Risk Management 1st Semester 15.0
Environmental Management and Technology 1st Semester 15.0
Training I 2st Semester 15.0
Training and Intervention in the Community 2st Semester 7.5
Environmental Health Management Systems 2st Semester 7.5
4º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Training II 1st Semester 30.0
Training III 2st Semester 15.0
Research project 2st Semester 15.0
The Environmental Health Technicians work within multidisciplinary teams in public or private healthcare institutions, such as hospitals, health centres and public services of regional administrations and local governments. Besides this, they can also work autonomously for companies and local authorities, or occupy teaching and research positions in Higher Education Institutions.

APPLICATION GRADE (minimum) 95 points TESTS FOR ADMISSION 02 Biology and Geology or 07 Physics and Chemistry or 16 Mathematics PREREQUISITES (Models available at "+INFO") Medical Certificate  Individual Health Survey APPLICATION GRADE (Formula) High School Average Grade 50% Tests for Admission 50%

The information provided on this page does not exempt the Website query access to higher education by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education - http://www.dges.gov.pt/pt

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