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BSc: 3 years (180 ECTS units)The 2020 Strategy considers bioresources as a fundamental engine for a greener and smart growths. In a world of limited resources, technological innovation is discovering ...

BSc: 3 years ( 180 ECTS units ) The 2020 Strategy considers bioresources as a fundamental engine for a greener and smart growths. In a world of limited resources, technological innovation is discovering new ways to value, recycle and reuse biological resources. With bioresources we are redefining the way we harvest the sea, forests and industrial goods to develop new energy solutions, consumer products and medicines, while ensuring a sustainable management of the ecosystem. With the BSc in Bioresources, ISEP trains professionals capable of ensuring a rational and sustainable management of biological resources; the development of bioproducts for the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries; control the quality of bioproducts; and solve environmental challenges like soil and water remediation. The programme was designed in a multidisciplinary logic, crossing life sciences, physics, environmental and bioresources contents. The course practical outlook is ensured by a heavy lab component and the development of case studies. Students can also benefit from the opportunity to develop their final project in a corporate or research environment. This innovative BSc in Portugal will have its first edition in 2015-2016. Postgraduate Studies Graduate students can continue their specialization with the MSc in Sustainable Energies , MSc in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering or the MSc in Chemical Engineering .


No. dispatch/concierge: 7026/2015
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Biology 1st Semester
Introduction to Bio-Resources 1st Semester
Laboratory I 1st Semester
Mathematics I 1st Semester
General Chemistry 1st Semester
Applied Statistics 2st Semester
Physics 2st Semester
Laboratory II 2st Semester
Analytical Chemistry 2st Semester
Organic Chemistry 2st Semester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Biochemistry 1st Semester
Basics of Bioprocess 1st Semester
Laboratory III 1st Semester
Mathematics II 1st Semester
Microbiology 1st Semester
Laboratory IV 2st Semester
Natural Products 2st Semester
Quality Bioproducts 2st Semester
Physical Chemistry 2st Semester
Sustainability 2st Semester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Science Natural Materials 1st Semester
Soft Skills 1st Semester
Laboratory of Chemical Technology V 1st Semester
Bioprocess Technology 1st Semester
Bioproducts Valuation 1st Semester
Biotech Applications 2st Semester
Internship 2st Semester
Bioproducts Management 2st Semester
Laboratory of Chemical Technology VI 2st Semester

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