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Instrumentation Engineering and Metrology

BSc: 3 years (180 ECTS units)Metrology is the science of measurement. Transversal to all areas of engineering it is vital for quality assurance of products and services. This horizontal ...

BSc: 3 years ( 180 ECTS units ) Metrology is the science of measurement. Transversal to all areas of engineering it is vital for quality assurance of products and services. This horizontal specialization of Engineering is essential to the success the industrial, health and energy sectors. With the BSc in Instrumentation Engineering and Metrology, ISEP trains engineers capable to perform technical measurements, the calibration and maintenance of equipment, manage quality processes and support the development of new products in industrial or laboratory environments. The programme has a strong experimental physics component, complemented with knowledge of electronics and optical instrumentation, image and signal processing and quality control. Throughout the course, practical and laboratory classes allows students to test and enhance their ability to analyse and solve technological needs in order to support innovation. Student have the opportunity to develop their final project in companies or research groups. Recently, ISEP students presented studies on equipment management, quality control, facilities monitoring and the computerization of testing system, among other examples. Postgraduate Studies Graduate students can continue their specialization with the: MSc in Instrumentation Engineering and Metrology .


No. dispatch/concierge: 12 806/2006
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 1st Semester
Algorithmic and Programming 1st Semester
Experimental Physics 1st Semester
Introduction to Metrology 1st Semester
Mathematics I 1st Semester
Technical Design 2st Semester
Electromagnetism 2st Semester
Applied Instrumentation I 2st Semester
Mathematics II 2st Semester
Programming 2st Semester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Statistics 1st Semester
Applied Instrumentation II 1st Semester
Mechanical Metrology 1st Semester
Chemistry 1st Semester
Applied Thermodynamics 1st Semester
Numerical Analysis 2st Semester
Data Acquisition and Data Management 2st Semester
Materials Science 2st Semester
Fluids and Heat Transfer 2st Semester
Optical Metrology 2st Semester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Management 1st Semester
Analytical Instrumentation 1st Semester
Acoustic Metrology and Vibrations 1st Semester
Signal processing 1st Semester
Project / Professional training 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Distributed instrumentation systems and control 1st Semester
Management QES 2st Semester
Image Processing 2st Semester
Project / Professional training 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Automation and Control (optional) 2st Semester
Organizational Behaviour (optional) 2st Semester
Statistical Quality Control (optional) 2st Semester
Project Management (optional) 2st Semester
Marketing and Commercial Management to Technicians (optional) 2st Semester
Optoelectronics and Fiber Optics (optional) 2st Semester
Electromechanical Systems (optional) 2st Semester
Quality Techniques (optional) 2st Semester
Systems Theory (optional) 2st Semester

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