Home > Schools > ESMAE > Early Music

Early Music

Accredited for: Acreditado preliminarmente year(s)

Consult reports www.a3es.pt

No. dispatch/concierge: Despacho nº 14493/2010
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Option I Semester
Ear Training I Semester
Music Technology Semester
Historical Informed Performance II Semester
Music Repertoire I Semester
Instrument I Semester
Option II Semester
Large Ensembles Practice I Semester
Seminar I Semester
Musical Acoustics Semester
History of Culture I Semester
Ear Training II Semester
Music Repertoire II Semester
Historical Informed Performance I Semester
Instrument II Semester
Large Ensembles Practice II Semester
Seminar II Semester
History of Culture II Semester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Historical Informed Performance IV Semester
Tonal Music Analysis I Semester
Seminar III Semester
Instrument III Semester
Option IV Semester
Large Ensembles Practice III Semester
Introduction to Scientific Methodology Semester
World Music Semester
Tonal Music Analysis II Semester
Historical Informed Performance III Semester
Instrument IV Semester
Large Ensembles Practice IV Semester
Music Psychollogy Semester
Portuguese Music History Semester
Option III Semester
History of Contemporary Music I Semester
History of Culture III Semester
Seminar IV Semester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Instrument V Semester
Instrument VI Semester
Option VI Semester
Musical Aesthetics I Semester
Large Ensembles Practice V Semester
Career Development and Management Semester
History of Contemporary Music II Semester
Historical Informed Performance V Semester
Large Ensembles Practice VI Semester
Seminar Semester
Musical Aesthetics II Semester
Option V Semester
Contemporary Music Analysis II Semester
Contemporary Music Analysis I Semester
Historical Informed Performance VI Semester

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