1º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Motor Skills | Summer Semester | |
Chemistry for Education | Summer Semester | |
Sociology of Education | Summer Semester | |
Introduction to the Study of the Literary Text | Summer Semester | |
Language, Logics and Communication | Summer Semester | |
Introduction to Professional Practice I: Contexts and Profiles | Summer Semester | |
Multimedia Information and Communication Technologies | Summer Semester | |
Physics for Education | Winter Semester | |
Developmental Psychology and Education | Winter Semester | |
Grammar of Communication | Winter Semester | |
Mathematics Culture and Knowledge | Winter Semester | |
Portuguese Ethnographical Studies | Winter Semester | |
Drama Skills | Winter Semester | |
2º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Theory of Education | Summer Semester | |
Geometry | Summer Semester | |
Introduction to Professional Practice II: Observation and Cooperation in Educational Contexts | Summer Semester | |
Musical Skills | Summer Semester | |
Special Education and Inclusion | Summer Semester | |
Language Acquisition and Development | Summer Semester | |
Art Skills | Winter Semester | |
Portuguese Contemporary Literature | Winter Semester | |
History and Geography of Portugal I | Winter Semester | |
Figures and Structures | Winter Semester | |
Geosciences | Winter Semester | |
Language Structure and Functioning | Winter Semester | |
3º Ano | ||
Unidade curricular | Período | ECTS |
Introduction to Professional Practice III: Observation and Cooperation in Educational Contexts | Annual | |
Didactics of Mathematics | Summer Semester | |
Language, Culture and Citizenship | Summer Semester | |
Memories, Identities and Cultures | Summer Semester | |
Biology and Ecology for Education | Summer Semester | |
Oral Literary Heritage | Summer Semester | |
Option II | Summer Semester | |
Option III | Summer Semester | |
Scientific Literacy and Culture | Summer Semester | |
Option IV | Summer Semester | |
Local Studies: Spaces and Society | Summer Semester | |
Mathematics, Materials and Technologies | Summer Semester | |
Health Education | Summer Semester | |
Sexuality and Life Quality | Summer Semester | |
Communication and Expression Workshop | Summer Semester | |
Expressions Project | Summer Semester | |
Didactics of Natural Sciences | Winter Semester | |
Didactics of the History and Geography of Portugal | Winter Semester | |
Children's Literature and Promotion of Reading | Winter Semester | |
Spaces for Mathematics Intervention | Winter Semester | |
History and Geography of Portugal II | Winter Semester | |
Introduction to the Didactics of the Portuguese Language | Winter Semester | |
Didactics of Skills | Winter Semester | |
Problem Solving | Winter Semester | |
Option I | Winter Semester | |
Organization and Processing of Data | Winter Semester | |
Elementary Mathematics and Materials | Winter Semester |
A informação disponibilizada nesta página não dispensa a consulta do Website de acesso ao ensino superior do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior - http://www.dges.gov.pt/pt